I listen to allot of Hip-Hop, especially allot of Eminem's music, I've list end to every album he ever released, from his first album 'Infinite' to the incredible 'Marshall Mathers LP' and 'The Eminem Show', to the mediocre 'Encore', then finally to the passable 'Relapse', and 'Recovery' brings us something new, something different from the murderous Slim Shady in 'The Slim Shady LP' and 'Relapse', also something diff rent from the angry and very serious Eminem in 'The Eminem Show', Recovery brings us a more calm, yet emotional Eminem, and that lead to excellent results.
-Lyrics(Out of 8)= 8
-Content(Out of 8)= 8
-Flow(out of 8)= 8
-Rhythm(out of 8)= 8
-Beat(out of 8)= 8
*Total Score(Out of 40)= 40
5 Stars
*Rating System:
0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars
Recovery is different from Eminem's other albums, but not so different that you won't know that it's Eminem rapping, Recovery just brings a different flow, or a different chapter to Eminem's music.
Out of the sixteen tracks on Recovery, all of them where great, and most of them where some of Eminem's best tracks, such as the highly emotional 'Going Through Changes' or the very touching track about Proof 'You're Never Over', '25 To Life' a track that Eminem compares his relationship with Hip-hop to a bad marriage, and of course, the very uplifting first single 'Not Afraid',
Bet Recovery was not all emotional tracks, there also other incredible tracks such as 'So Bad', 'Here We Go', or 'Cold Wind Blows' a few of my favorite on the album.
The worst on the album was also a great track, 'On Fire' it provided a good flow and rhythm, i think it's most comparable to some of Relapse's best tracks.
As for the album's collaborations, they where all with new people, Eminem did a track with Kobe in 'Talkin' to Myself', he collaborated with Pink in 'Won't Back Down' and he also collaborated with Rehanna in 'Love the Way you Lie' those tracks surprised me the most, the where all amazing.
Overall, Recovery was a great album, especially for a different turn in Eminem's music, he worked with different producers, and different artists in order to form the best Hip-Hop album ever created.
- Album Rating:
-Lyrics(Out of 8)= 8
-Content(Out of 8)= 8
-Flow(out of 8)= 8
-Rhythm(out of 8)= 8
-Beat(out of 8)= 8
*Total Score(Out of 40)= 40
5 Stars
*Rating System:
0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars
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