'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' is the second instalment to the successful 'Transformers' movie, it was expected to be the best movie of 2009 i believe, it was also expected to be better than the first Transformers also, but where my expectations right? no, i was not, the movie was at most a mixed movie, and here is why:
As we all know, the Transformers are all robots, in the first two movies, they are divided to 'Autobots' and 'Disectacons', which is all right, but the problem starts when there is nothing in the movie except for the Autobots and disectacons fighting, and it gets even worse when there is no plot in the movie, now the reason why I'm saying this is because, one reason why the first 'Transformers' was great, is because it was not all fighting, and it had a plot, while 'Revenge of the Fallen' had a plot, but it played a very small role in the movie, and as for the fighting in the movie, it's fun at the beginning, but later in the movie the constant fighting gets boring.
Another obvious negative from this movie is Megen Fox's acting, don't get me wrong, she's hot, but i don't think she should be allowed on any set after this movie, and another thing, what's her character doing in the movie anyway? i mean, most of what she does in the movie is asking Sam 'say that you love me'.
In a movie like this, with many negatives and errors, it's hard to see positives, but luckily, i maneged to find some, the effects where cool, some of the acting is decent, and there is some humor in the movie as well.
We all expected the second Transformers to be good, am i right? and honestly i was not satisfied by this movie at all, instead of 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' bringing it's 'A' game like the first one, I'd say that it would fit more as a 'D' type of movie, due to the many flaws, but few positives.
- Movie Rating:
-Acting (out of 6)= 3
-Story(out of 8)= 2
-Plot(out of 8)= 1
-Actions (out of 6)= 3
-Effects(out of 4)= 4
-Character Development(out of 8)= 3
*Total Rating(out of 40)= 16
2 Stars
*Rating System:
0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 22= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars
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