These days, anything can be adapted to movies, for example, Pirates of the Caribbean was adapted from a ride to a movie, various super-hero comic books where adapted to movies, novels are adapted to movies, and video games are adapted to movies, based on what I saw, comic books are the best adoptions, and videogames are the worst, so I hoped that 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time' can prove me wrong, but the movie still showed me that video game adoptions are the worst.
'Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time' was an acceptable movie, it had slow boring scenes, and great entertaining scenes, it had major and minor problems, but at the same time it had a few positives that made up for some of the movie's errors.
The movie mainly circles around 'Dastan' who is the prince of Persia finding a dagger with magic sand that takes the holder of the dagger back in time, it's a good idea, but it one major problem: the movie did not live up to the story's expectations.
The movie had a few major problems, starting with the whole story, the movie did not really follow the story very well, that tampered with the movie's quality, another problem was the acting, although Jake Gylanhall's, and Gemma Arterton did great jobs acting in the movie, most of the other actors did not do very well, especially Bill Kingsely as Nizam, Dastan's uncle, Kingley's acting was not good at all in the movie, one reason is because he seemed to awake and jittery.
Some scenes in the movie, and some ideas where not very good, one of which is the scene in the sand storm, not one piece of sand touched any of the characters, also the movie had a lame and boring ending, Dastan goes back in time and fixes everything, the problem with that is that this idea got dry, it was used too much by movies and TV shows.
But the movie did have some major positives that brought the movie up to an acceptable level, Gylanhall's and Arterton's acting performances where very powerful, there were a few strong fight scenes, and there were some very enjoyable scenes.
Now I think it's fair to say that 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time' was acceptable, passable, and at the same time, a letdown, I expected allot more from this movie, and it did not give me what I expected, so I think it's fair to say, by what you read in my review, that 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time' was an overall acceptable movie.
**Movie Rating:
-Acting(out of 6)= 2
-Story(out of 8)= 4
-Plot(out of 8)= 5
-Actions(out of 6)= 4
-Effects(out of 4)= 4
-Character Development(out of 8)= 3
*Total Rating(out of 40)= 22
3 Stars
*Rating System:
0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars
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