Eminem's back after five years of no albums, he returned from his hiatus, but the only question left to ask here is: was that the way the people wanted Eminem to come back? I'd say no, Relapse was a decent album but not really up to Eminem's standards, here is why:
Relapse was a fun album in the first two weeks of it's release, but after that the album just gets plain boring, almost all the songs on Relapse all have similar beats, 99% of the time Eminem talked about drugs and murder in the album, all of that is great at the beginning, but then it gets very repetitive.
Relapse opened with a good skit 'Dr.West' which was not funny or anything like that, but it sort of sets he table for this album, the second track is '3AM', a generally solid track, not as good as i hoped it was honestly, the album's best track is probably 'Beautiful', an overall great track, strong, touching, and ratable, so unlike the rest of the alum, but there are a few other great tracks such as 'Hello' and 'Insane'.
The album's first single 'We Made You' was okay, it's mostly decent, but gets very annoying in some degree.
The album does not have any majorly negative tracks, but it has quite a few mediocre tracks, such as 'Medicine Ball', 'My Mom', 'Must be the Ganja', and 'Bagpipes From Baghdad' otherwise most the album is passable to decent.
Eminem did very little this time in trying to get guests and other producers for the album, all the tracks except for 'Beautiful' are produced by Dr. Dre, also there where only two guests, Dr.Dre and 50 Cent in 'Crack a Bottle', a mixed track to say the least, an just Dr.Dre in 'Old Time's Sake' one of the few great tracks in the album.
Overall, Relapse was not the way people wanted Eminem to come back, most of the songs are mixed and some are a bit boring, and also expected more from this album, especially because it's Eminem's 1st album since 2004.
- Album Rating:
-Lyrics(out of 8)=5
-Content(out of 8)=4
-Flow(out of 8)=6
-Rhythm(out of 8)=7
-Beats(out of 8)=2
*Total Rating(out of 40)= 24
3 Stars
*Rating System:
0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15 -21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36 -40= 5 Stars
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