-Jonah Hex is a movie that takes place in the wild west, it has a very strong revenge type theme that strongly glamorizes revenge, which is one error in the movie, another error was the very weak and simple plot, about a former US solder named Jonah Hex hunting down Quinton Turnbul, a man who killed Hex's family after the civil war.
-Other than the plot and theme, Jonah Hex suffers from a list full of errors and problems ,a few where due to the extremely short length of the movie, such as the lack of details and explanations, or the lack of characterization, there where also some script related errors in the movie, one perfect example was during a scene where Jonah Hex is in a bar and someone with a knife asks him "what happened to your face" then Hex shoots him on the chest and says "cut myself shaving, what happened to yours?", another obvious error in the movie was the awful acting skills of Megan Fox, who had a strongly negative effect on the movie's quality, also there was one error in the movie which made it seem unrealistic, which included some of the action scenes having weapons that where too modern for the wild west era.
- Despite the many errors of the movie, Jonah Hex did have some light, such as the acting performance of Josh Brawlin, which was one of two reasons why the movie wasn't a complete failure; the second reason was because of some good action scenes early in the movie.
-Basically the only ups in the movie where Josh Brawlin's performance and some of the action, but other than that, Jonah Hex was a perfect example of a movie that can easily be defined as a joke, it had a handful of scripting errors, the action was very unrealistic, it was too short to even count as a full-length movie, and to make it worse, Megan Fox was part of the cast, so as you can see here, Jonah Hex is the perfect candidate for the worst movie of 2010 and will be remembered as one of the worst movies of all-time.
*Movie Rating:-
-Acting(out of 6)= 2
-Story(out of 8)= 0
-Plot(out of 8)= 0
-Actions(out of 6)= 1
-Effects(out of 4)= 2
-Character Developement(out of 8)= 1
*Overall Rating(out of 40)= 6
0 Stars
*Rating System:
0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars
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