Monday, September 6, 2010

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

There are many book adoptions coming out, some good, some mixed, and some bad, but the best adoptions, and my favorites, are the Harry Potter movies, each movie was either as good, or an improvement comparing to it's proceeder, each movie brought every new character to life and made them huge movie icons, but when did this series start? Was the first potter movie as good, much worse, or better than all the others? All the answers are here in this review.

The first Harry Potter movie, follows the book closely, but however, it followed it too closely that the movie felt very slow in some parts, as well as very predictable in many other parts, which is a major reason why book adoptions should not follow the books exactly, anyway, this potter movie is about Harry's first year in Hogwarts, the time when he thought when he was 'just Harry', the time when he was discovering that he was famous, and when he discovers that the man who killed his parents, the darkest wizard who ever lived, 'Lord Voldemort' is regaining his power, all these ideas put into development in this movie was excellent, which leads us into the climax, which is the introduction of the excitement of this series, when Harry discovers that Voldemort was near him this whole time, that Voldemort wanted the Sorcerer's stone to regain his full power, this one scene started the entire conflict between Harry and Voldemort.

Most characters where developed perfectly in the movie, as well as strongly portrayed by the cast, especially the big three, which where Harry, Ron, and Herminie, who where all played perfectly by Denial Radcliff, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson, back in there rookie years as actors, but however, there was one poorly developed and poorly played character , Albus Dumbledore, who was the Headmaster of Hogwarts, who was played by Richard Harris, who made Dumbledore look like an old man who was numerous diseases, and in the books, Dumbledore does not have numerous diseases.

The movie did an excellent job in portraying bravery, and emotion, it did a perfect job in showing every emotion, but unfortionetly, and those emotions are covered up by the movie's childish mood.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was an enjoyable movie, with a few errors which were minor and major, such as Richard Harris, who was a major error, the movie being predictable and too similar to the book, which is an error between being minor or major, and the childish mood in the movie, which is a minor error, but otherwise, we see a very strong effort in Character Development, emotion, themes, and plot.

*Movie Rating:-

-Acting(out of 6)= 4
-Story(out of 8)= 6
-Plot(out of 8)= 6
-Actions(out of 6)= 4
-Effects(out of 4)= 3
-Character Developement(out of 8)= 7
*Overall Rating(out of 40)= 30
3 Stars

*Rating System:

0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars

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