Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Movie Review: Shrek The Third

Usually, when movies have sequels that are as good or even better than the original, there is a third movie, but however, the only third movie to surpass the first two movies was 'Toy Story 3', or 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban', as for other movies, the third installment is always rough, how do I know? Just watch 'Batman Forever', one of the worst movies in the 1990s Batman movie series, or Spider-Man 3, a very disappointing and depressing movie, especially comparing to the first two which where incredible, or Pirates of the Caribbean, which had an excellent first installment, and an even better second one, the third one ended up to be unexpectedly mediocre, and now there is Shrek, which had an excellent first two movies, but now with Shrek the Third, I see the complete opposite of an excellent movie, it had various problems which were easy to tell through the movie.

The third Shrek movie is about Shrek, tying to get the last living air to the Far Far Away Kingdome to become king, because he wants to live in his swamp with Fiona, and because his father in-law 'King Harold' has died, there is also a sup-plot in the movie, about the movie's main villain, Prince Charming who wants to become king of far far away, so he invades it, then at the end of the movie, both plots get together to end as one, which is a good idea, but unfortionetly, the plots to begin with where not very entertaining to begin with.

Like always in the Shrek series, there are always a handful of new characters, this movie brought in Captain Hook, Snow White, Cinderella, Repunzul, Merlin, and Artie, unfortionetly, five out of six of those characters, where so poorly developed, and did not really have a big purpose in the movie, the only character that was worth knowing in this movie was Artie, who is the last living air, and Shrek's replacement as king.

There where also allot of unnecessary things in the movie as well, such as Donkey and Puss switching bodies, that was funny, but unnecessary, also, the running joke of Captain Hook always playing a piano was painfully unnecessary, and another unnecessary thing in the movie, was the amount of time everyone waited for Fiona, her mom, and all her princess friends to escape, Fiona's mom headbuted the wall to break long after they were put in the prison cell, while she could have just done it when the guards left.

There where also some painfully bad jokes, especially surrounding Prince Charming, or Fiona's princess friends, allot of the jokes put in where childish, unfunny, and basically nothing compared to the jokes in the first two Shrek movies.

Thankfully, Donkey and Puss where there to save the movie, despite having a few bad or unnecessary jokes, most of jokes they were included in where very funny, such as Puss and Donkey trying to cope with the other person's body, or one of them forgetting that they switched bodies, most of the body switching jokes where unnecessary, but still funny, there were still some funny jokes which included Shrek or the usual fairytale characters, but that was mostly it for the good things in this movie.

With the fun action scenes in Spider-Man 3, or the smart story, and action scenes in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Shrek the Third is not so different, it has some great jokes, and that was pretty much it, you see, most third installments, or threequels usually have just one or two major positives that saves them from being an entirely bad movie, which makes me hope that 'Iron Man 3' or the third Batman Nolan movie is the same, but I can't help to think that they may turn out mediocre or bad, I know that I should have hope that they would be good, but unfortionetly, Shrek the Third was the last piece of hope I had for a good threequel that was not adapted by a book, or made 11 years after the second movie, so Overall, Shrek the Third was near to being mediocre, but even mediocre is not good enough to make a good threequel for me, or maybe even anyone in that matter.

*Movie Rating:-

-Acting(out of 6)= 4
-Story(out of 8)= 3
-Plot(out of 8)= 3
-Actions(out of 6)= 3
-Effects(out of 4)= 4
-Character Developement(out of 8)= 2
*Overall Rating(out of 40)= 19
2 Stars

*Rating System:
0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Movie Review: Shrek 2

By what I've seen in movies, sequels are divided into three groups, the first is when the sequel surpasses it's procedure, the second is when the sequel is about as good as it's procedure, and the third group is when the sequel is not as good as it's procedure, some first group movies include 'Spider-Man 2', 'The Dark Knight', 'Toy Story 2', 'Toy Story 3', 'Terminator 2', and 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest', the second group includes movies like 'Iron Man 2', 'The Mummy Returns', and 'Ice Age: The Meltdown', and of coerce, the 'third group' movies, which seem to be the most common include 'Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer', 'Men in Black II', 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen', 'Spider-Man 3', 'Night in the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonians', 'Rush Hour 3',and 'Pirates of the Caribbean: at World's End', so as you can see each group contains a group of movies, the third group includes the most though, anyway, where do you think Shrek 2 belongs?

The story follows Shrek and Fiona going to the kingdom of far far away, to get Fiona's parents'' blessing, but Fiona's father, King Harold is not pleased with his daughter marrying an ogre, and wants them to not see each other again, so he gets help from the Fairy God Mother, her son Prince Charming, and a famous ogre killer 'Puss in Boots', in order to get his version of a 'happily ever after'.

Shrek 2 brings in a handful of new characters, such as 'Puss in Boots' who is a famous ogre killer, hired by king Harold to kill Shrek, but later, he joins Shrek and Donkey in their quest to get Fiona's love back, the Fairy God Mother, who is the main villain is introduced in this movie, is a fairy, who gives people there 'happily ever after', and believes that ogres should not live happily ever after, another new character is Prince Charming, who is the second villain in the movie, is the Fairy God Mother's son, who intends to merry Fiona, and another new character is introduced, 'King Harold' who is Fiona's father, and the cause of this whole situation.

The jokes in this movie where mostly hilarious, some better than the jokes in the first Shrek, such as Donkey's version of 'are we there yet', Puss's puppy dogg-ish face, spoofs on many famous cafés and restaurants, the scene when Shrek turns human and three girls become totally interested in him, the scene when Shrek and Fiona return from their honeymoon and Donkey keeps on annoying them, Donkey's Shrek impression, Puss's first appearance with Shrek and Donkey, Prince Charming calling the Big Bad Wolf 'gender confused' and allot more great jokes are found in the movie.

The movie mainly suffers from the same mistakes as the first Shrek, such as the sad scenes with the background music, the ending, and the strong fairytale theme, but otherwise, the Disney Spoofs are very strong, especially the Prince Charming and Fairy God Mother Spoofs, but however they were less than the Disney Spoofs in the first Shrek, and some spoofs may get a bit annoying.

The second Shrek is honestly as good as the first, suffering from the same mistakes, and having the same strong positives, which include a strong story, strong new characters such as Puss in Boots, hilarious jokes, and Disney Spoofs, all of that made Shrek 2 a very easily compared movie to the first Shrek, meaning that it's as good, and that It belongs in the second group of sequels, the group when the sequels are just as good as the originals.

*Movie Rating:-

-Acting(out of 6)= 5
-Story(out of 8)= 7
-Plot(out of 8)= 6
-Actions(out of 6)= 4
-Effects(out of 4)= 4
-Character Developement(out of 8)= 8
*Overall Rating(out of 40)= 34
4 Stars

*Rating System:

0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars

Album Review: Sloughterhouse- Sloughtethouse

These days, there can be many rap groups found recording music, groups such as 'Wu Tang Clan' and 'D12' both held the rap world with there bare hands at one point, and groups such as 'G-Unit' or 'Young Money' are in the lower side of rap music, meaning that they do make good music, but not enough good music to go up to a mediocre level, but now, there is a new rap group on the music scene, a group called 'Slaughterhouse' which is made up of four highly skilled rappers: Royce Da 5'9", Crooked-I, Joe Budden, and Joel Ortiz, each member alone is a great rapper, but what would happen if we put them all together? Would they be as good as Wu Tang Clan? or D12? Well, now that they released an album we can all judge.

Slaughterhouse is Slaughterhouse's first album, they named the album after there group's name, so that clearly means that they mean business, they clearly want to make the world know who are they, and not think 'that's a good song, who's song it it?'.

The album opens up with a very energized and lyrical track, called 'Sound Off' which includes each member showing off their high lyrical skills, and it also is one of the best tracks on the album, the second track is called 'Lyrical Killers' which is not as good or as energized as the first track on the album, but it still passes as a powerful track, then the third track, 'Microphone' which is again, one of my favorite tracks, it delivers everything that people want in a rap track, but there were too many mentions of the word 'microphone' also, the fourth track, 'Not Tonight' was a very strong track on the album, it is very energized, it has a great rhythm, and it's overall a masterpiece, then after that, a strong fifth track comes in, that's strong lyrically, and has a great beat, but except that the sexual language is overly used, and overuse of sexual language in songs have always lead to mediocre tracks, tracks such as 'Lollipop' by Lil Wayne, 'How Low' by Ludacris, and many more, but for some reason, 'the One' felt much more energized and lyrical then many of those tracks with allot of sexual language, other great tracks in the album include the more emotionally driven 'Prey' and 'Rain Drops'.

The album did feature some weaker tracks, such as 'Cuckoo' or 'Salute' which where both good tracks, but not as good as most of the songs on the album, also there where two skits on the album that did not need to be in the album at the first place, but otherwise, the album is one of the most energized to ever come out.

Slaughterhouse delivered everything needed to make a good album, strong lyrics, a very powerful rhythm, strong beats, and something that only a few rap songs and albums tried to deliver: energy, but there were some tracks on the album which really did nothing, or some very minor errors in the albums which could have been fixed easily, but what are we going to do? Slaughterhouse isn't perfect, or near-perfect, but it's still one of the best albums to come out in a while, overall, Slaughterhouse is comparable to Wu Tang Clan and D12, but it's not as good as either of them at the same time.

*Album Rating:-

-Lyrics(out of 8)= 7
-Content(out of 8)= 7
-Flow(out of 8)= 8
-Rhythm (out of 8)= 7
-Beats(out of 8)= 7
Total Rating(out of 40)= 36
5 Stars

*Rating System:

0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Movie Review: Shrek

Animated movies have gotten more popular, as well as more frequent throughout the years, the popularity started in 1995, when Toy Story, one of the best animated movies of all-time was released, then is 1998 another animated movie was released, 'A Bug's Life' which was a good movie, but not near any of the Toy Story standards, then again in 1999, the sequel to Toy Story, Toy Story 2 was released, and it was a movie that surpassed the quality of the original, then two years later, Monster's Inc. came out, which was a great movie, but not as good as Toy Story or Toy Story 2, but then, at the same year, there was an animated movie which almost reached the Toy Story quality, a movie that was almost as good and almost as funny, and for once, the movie was not like most of the successful animated movies out during the late 90s and the early 2000s, the movie was not PIXAR, the movie actually made another company jump to working on animated movies, the movie was called Shrek.

Shrek has a strong story, it's about an ogre named Shrek, that lives alone in a swamp, then suddenly, fairytale creatures are surrounding the swamp, Shrek wants the creatures out of his swamp, so he goes to the man that sent them there, a man named Lord Farquaad, and Farquaad tells Shrek that if he wants his swamp back, he has to rescue a princess named princess Fiona from a fire breathing dragon on the top floor of a castle, surrounded by lava, but Shrek doesn't do it alone, he has help from an annoying talking Donkey.

By reading the plot summery, it's easy to tell that the movie would be exciting, and it's easy to tell that there is a handful of great characters, such as Shrek, a mean, grumpy, and selfish ogre, another largely amusing character is an annoying talking Donkey named Donkey, also who could forget the spoiled princess who is despite for true love's first kiss named princess Fiona, most of the characters change throughout the story, such as Shrek, he starts off as a mean and grumpy ogre then he ends up falling in love with Fiona, another character who changes throughout the movie is Fiona, she was a spoiled princess, who was not willing to tell anyone about her curse, but then she becomes convinced to tell Shrek about her curse, because throughout the movie, it begins to show that she is falling in love with Shrek.

There are allot of funny jokes and ideas in Shrek, especially circulating around Donkey, who, as we all know, is talkative and annoying, some great jokes include him, some of the notable jokes include a joke that Shrek compares himself with an onion, saying that they both are smelly, while Donkey's guesses are that onions are smelly, dry, and become black with white hares when staying in the sun too long, also the fact that he did not let go of it was funny, also the joke that Donkey reveals that he's color blind, after Fiona tells him to get a blue flower with red thorns, there where allot more great jokes with Donkey, but the thing is with Donkey is that he's annoying, talkative, and at the same time a good friend, Donkey did not leave Shrek alone, because he forgave Shrek for being mean to him.

All the Disney spoofs in the movie where all hilarious, there where allot of Disney spoofs in the movie, Shrek spoofed the talking mirror, Snow White, and allot more, but the problem with that is that the Disney spoof idea did get annoying in some points.

The movie also had some other minor errors, such as the scenes when the characters where walking sad, or happy, or any way to put it, there was annoying background music with it, and the problem with that is that it tends to get annoying at some point, the ending was sort-of dull, and mediocre, also the fairytale theme was mixed at best, I think that the movie could have done allot better without it.

Generally Shrek is one of the only, and first animated movies to compare to the Toy Story, it opened doors for allot of animated movies to be as good or even better than many PIXAR movies, the story, jokes, animation, characters, and the all-star cast all helped on making this movie very strong, but I think that it could have been better without the heavy fairytale theme, or the boring scenes, but none the less, the movie is not as good as the Toy Story movies, but it's certainly good enough to be compared to them, so with very few errors, and largely powerful pluses, this movie is going to go count as history, as one of the best animated movies of all-time.

*Movie Rating:-

-Acting(out of 6)= 5
-Story(out of 8)= 7
-Plot(out of 8)= 6
-Actions(out of 6)= 4
-Effects(out of 4)= 4
-Character Developement(out of 8)= 8
*Overall Rating(out of 40)= 34
4 Stars

*Rating System:

0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars

Album Review: Stat Quo- Statlanta

Three debut rap albums have came out so far this year, starting with the rock/pop influenced 'B.o.B Presents: the Adventures of Bobby Ray', which was the best out of the three, the second was Drake's day view, 'Thank Me Later' which was clearly one of the worst albums of all-time, and an insult to Thank Me Later's first single 'Over', and the third one was the long awaited Statlanta album by Stat Quo.

As I mentioned, Statlanta was a long awaited debut album, Stat Quo started recording for the album back in 2003, and the album was promised a 2006 release, but then there was nothing after that, then there was nothing to do except for weighting, it's been four years since Statlanta was promised, so four extra years recording an album means that it has to be good, but unfortionetly, I think that Statlanta was mixed at best.

The album opened with 'Classic Sh_t', a track which featured Eminem, but the song was unfortionetly not up to the level of my expectations, another track featuring Eminem called 'Atlanta on Fire' which was the album's best track, but again, it did not live up to any of their standards, the song was decent at best, another notable track on the album was called 'Cry' it was a more emotional track on the album, but the song unfortionetly lacked the beat.

The album had a few major fails, but not on a very high level, some tracks lacked lyrical meaning, some tracks lacked content, some tracks lacked a rhythm and beat, but the most painful tracks on the album do have one minor positive, for example, there is a track called 'What I Like' which was just four minutes of repetitivity, but what I liked about the song was the beat, another bed song with a few very minor positives is called 'Welcome Back' which had lyrical content, but lacked a rhythm and beat, and the rest of the album was pretty much mediocre.

Statlanta was generally mixed, the good tracks where not good enough to love, and the bad tracks where not bad enough to hate, so with very little positives as well a somewhat average to large amount of negatives in this album, as well as just one major guest appearance on two tracks, but both tracks where not as good as I expected, overall, I'd say that the album was mostly 'meh', I think that it's not as good as B.o.B's album, and allot better than Drake's album.

*Album Rating:-

-Lyrics(out of 8)= 5
-Content(out of 8)= 4
-Flow(out of 8)= 3
-Rhythm (out of 8)= 4
-Beats(out of 8)= 5
Total Rating(out of 40)= 21
2 Stars

*Rating System:

0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Movie Review: Shutter Island

Books being adapted to movies are very common these days, people can find new releases every, or almost every week, but however, by what I've seen, there are very few book adoptions that go in ways that people probably want them to go, adoptions such as the 'Harry Potter' books, or the 'Jurassic Park' books, those books impressed many people, and when they where adapted to movies, they impressed even more people, but now my question is, does 'Shutter Island' match the quality of those adoptions who impressed many, or was it a disappointment?

Shutter Island starts off as a story about two US Marshalls named Teddy Denials, and Chuck Aule, who both go to an island, which is also a mental facility, in order to investigate the disappearance of a dangerous mental patient, and they have to find her, the story was quite entertaining, but another interesting fact about the movie is that the story shifts into a more character-driven, and psychological story about Teddy Denials, and of course at some points it leads to confusion in the story it's self, but not the type of confusion that really has nothing to do in the story, or that just came out randomly, it's the type of confusion that I enjoy in movies, the type of confusion that fits in the story and that is used to make the story more entertaining.

The movie is considered as a thriller, so obviously there where allot of thrills in the movie that honestly, did not disappoint, but the story it's self does has some disappointing parts, such as some slow, and boring scenes, but unfortionetly, the movie can't be done without them, also at the near-end of the movie, there was allot of crying going on, which honestly gave that scene a sope-operah type of feeling, which to me, are extremely dull and boring.

There were also some mediocre or mixed acting performances which obviously did not help with the movie's first few minor problems, actors such as Max Von Sydo, who honestly just spoke too slow for anyone to follow without getting bored when he talks, Ted Levine was just way too happy in his performance as the warden, I felt that John Carrall Lynch was too confident in his role, and Bill Kingsely, despite making a much better performance than 'Prince of Persia', I still think that he looked too awake and jittery, but Kingly's acting error was very minor, yet noticeable, but there were some very storing acting performances which made me consider ignoring the minor acting errors, performances such as Leonardo Decaprio's or Elias Koteas' performances perhaps made the acting errors in the movie less noticeable, and more forgettable then they really are.

Despite the errors in this movie, Shutter Island ends up to be a smart and enjoyable book adaption, it's certainly not as good as the Harry Potter movies, or the first Jurassic Park movie, but it's certainly allot better than the 'Percy Jackson' movie, or the first Twilight movie, which by the way is the only Twilight movie I've seen, and I'm not planning to see any more, but the whole point is, Shutter Island does have some errors, but the positives where surly more than the negatives, so I'd say that Shutter Island is an enjoyable movie, but with some un-ignorable errors that really messed up the quality that the movie could have been.

*Movie Rating:-

-Acting(out of 6)= 3
-Story(out of 8)= 6
-Plot(out of 8)= 7
-Actions(out of 6)= 3
-Effects(out of 4)= 4
-Character Developement(out of 8)= 6
*Overall Rating(out of 40)= 29
3 stars

*Rating System:

0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Movie Review: Clash of the Titans

2010, or in other words 'the year of 80s movie remakes', included at least five remakes from the 80s, and those movies include 'The A-Team', one of the best movies of all-time, another great movie which was remade from the 80s was 'The Karate Kid', as well as some other movies that I'm still waiting for include 'The Expendables' which has a completely skilled and experienced cast, and a comedy starring Steve Carell and Paul Rudd called 'Dinner For Schmucks', but what started this streak of 80s remakes? The answer is simple: Clash of the Titans.

Clash of the Titans is based on the son of a Greek god named 'Persius' who is played by Avatar's Sam Worthington, who is trying to stop a squid-like monster called the Kraken, which was unleashed by Hades, in order to save the princess of Argos before the sun eclipses, or in other words in ten days, the movie's story line is impressive and holds some good strategies, but however, the story and strategies are sort of predictable, I mean, the more people get into watching the movie, it gets more predictable.

The movie was admitingly slow during the first 45 minutes, then the rest of the movie was just pretty much fighting monsters, which was okay, but I think they could have done allot more, also other than some smart strategies in the fight scenes, there was also some stupidity that just made the fight scenes look like that the director wanted them to keep going, there were some obvious things that the characters should have done, but they diddent.

Clash of the Titans had some very good cast members, such as Sam Washingworth as Persius, who was Jake Sully in Avatar, Ralph Fannies as Hades, who also played Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter series, Liam Nelson was in the cast, he played Zeus, he guest stared in the Simpson, played Hanible in the A-Team, was in the Batman Begins cast, and played Azlan in the Narnia series, another great cast member was Prince of Persia's Gemma Arterton, the acting was generally good, but did not live up to this cast's complete potential.

Clash of the Titans certainly did bring in the complete meaning of 'Clash', but other than that the movie honestly did nothing special, with very little to love about this movie, and very little to hate as well, Clash of the Titans is watchable, but it won't be as enjoyable as the other 80s remakes, or it definitely won't be a movie that people would want to watch a second time, so overall, Clash of the Titans isn't a good movie, at the same time it isn't a bad movie, so that makes it a mediocre movie.

*Movie Rating:-

-Acting(out of 6)= 3
-Story(out of 8)= 5
-Plot(out of 8)= 5
-Actions(out of 6)= 3
-Effects(out of 4)= 3
-Character Developement(out of 8)= 5
*Overall Rating(out of 40)= 24
3 Stars

*Rating System:

0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Movie Review: Kick Ass

2010 was, or still is a year full of remakes, adoptions, sequels, and spinoffs, but ironically, there aren't many superhero movies, movies based on good Vs. evil, or even comic book adoptions, ironically there are only two of those types movies this year, and those movies are Kick Ass and Iron Man 2, but now is not the time to compare between both movies, this review is all about Kick Ass.

Kick Ass as a comic book was a very unique idea, it's about a comic book fan named Dave Lezewzki, who did not have any powers, no special skills, or no weapons, but he wanted to be a superhero, and he was the only one out of millions of comic book fans that has the guts try it, so now were all thinking: is he that much of an idiot? Well, the point is that this one idea was excellent for a comic book, and I think that it was also an excellent idea for a movie as well, this idea could bring a huge amount of entertainment into a movie, whether it's action, whether it's comedy, that one small idea could lead to being one of the best movies of all-time, but now the question is, did that idea bring as much entertainment as I expected? No, it didn't, the movie was entertaining, but I think it could have brought allot more, it could have done allot better.

Kick as was, as I mentioned, an entertaining piece of work, it had a good story to follow, the action scenes where fun, the acting was strong, there were a few funny jokes, and believe it or not, adding blood to the violence in superhero movies really makes a difference, and makes superhero movies seem a bit more realistic, but other the those few positives, there was not really much to praise about the movie.

The errors in Kick Ass could be considered as minor, or close to major errors, they where too much errors to be ignored, I mean, who could ignore the fact that many jokes where just straight up dumb and stupid, or ignore the fact that there were some characters which were just used in filler scenes, those where two examples of errors that can't be ignored, yet, at the same time, they won't really be anyone's first impression of the movie.

Kick Ass was generally a movie that had potential and high expectations to be one of the best of all-time, but unfortionetly, due to a few errors, and the fact that there is not much to praise about this movie, I think that Kick Ass is a disappointing movie, yet, at the same time, it was a pretty entertaining and fun movie to watch.

*Movie Rating:-

-Acting(out of 6)= 6
-Story(out of 8)= 4
-Plot(out of 8)= 6
-Actions(out of 6)= 4
-Effects(out of 4)= 3
-Character Developement(out of 8)= 5
*Overall Rating(out of 40)= 28
3 Stars

*Rating System:

0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars

Monday, August 9, 2010

Movie Review: Avatar

James Cameron returns 10 years after his lackluster movie 'Titanic', which was what I thought a movie that did not live up to Cameron's status , especially comparing to the first two Terminator movies, which he by the way produced, and it also did not live up to this new incredible movie which he directed, wrote, and produced, called 'Avatar'.
Avatar, is one of those movies that sends a message, a message of independence, and of defending a nation, or a home land, or something like that, but that message may be ignored because of the very realistic effects, that's not a bad thing, but with all those magnificent effects which gave this movie a complete world of its own, kind of makes it harder for people to get the message, but still, it was a very entertaining message, and the way that message was provided was also very entertaining, it was provided through an action packed science fiction movie, which, I think is one think that actually glamorizes the message within the movie.
Avatar also has a strong story, about a solder named Jake Sully, who was played by Sam Worthington, and by the way, his performance in the movie was excellent, anyway, it's about a solder named Jake Sully, who's legs are paralyzed, and then he enters a mission, which allows him to be one of the Navi alien life-forces, and warn them that there home tree, which is their power source, will be taken down, but throughout the movie, Sully grows closer to them, and begins to act as one of them, and of coerce, thought this story, there came some very entertaining and fun action scenes, whether it's a battle scene, or it's just a straight out adventurous scene, it all seemed to work out very well in the movie.
Avatar also had some very creative ideas, such as creating a whole race, or creating the whole world or something like that, most of those creative ideas where very entertaining, but some ideas felt very stupid and corny, such as the whole pony tail idea, where they just connect them to a big tree or each other or something, I found that very silly and stupid, but other than that hiccup, the movie seemed to be very powerful.
Avatar is overall, one of those movies that sends political and environmental messages in ways that people could not think of, in very entertaining ways which are new and action packed, Avatar is close to being a perfect movie, but it's not, due to one hiccup, one hiccup that truthfully, was stupid, but part of the movie could not be done without it, but other than that, the movie was a fun and entertaining action si-fi, which deserves to be one of the most entertaining movies ever.

*Movie Rating:-
-Acting(out of 6)= 6
-Story(out of 8)= 8
-Plot(out of 8)= 8
-Actions(out of 6)= 6
-Effects(out of 4)= 4
-Character Developement(out of 8)= 8
*Overall Rating(out of 40)= 39
5 Stars

*Rating System:
0- 7= 0 Stars
8- 14= 1 Star
15- 21= 2 Stars
22- 30= 3 Stars
31- 35= 4 Stars
36- 40= 5 Stars